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Change blog add liao

Sunday, August 5

Aaah ok. With effect from today, I will not be posting anymore posts here. Address changed to...


Reason being:

1. I dun like this sometimesx4 username. Why i changed to this in the first place, I also forget le. This username, like not very me la... Then if i change with this existing, I dunno who still reading. Damn sia suay if i tell XYZ: "Hey i changed blog address le!"
And XYZ said: "Haa ok, but i never read ur blog for long time le."
So... so... like this lor...

2. The layout not nice... Feedback includes:
a. Must scroll one! So mafan!
b. Font size too small! (this post in larger than normal, so font is larger)

Yeah I know I can change the layout and template.... But well... haa

3. The archive list is so long. Is there a tag to put in only archive posts from a certain date to a certain date??

4. It's free mah...

Will be posting there liao from now on. =)

Author: Don » Comments:

hairy potter

Thursday, August 2

I just want to say, I really feel like blogging in Chinese nowadays, everyday, but unfortunately...
- There are people who are more angmoh, dunno Chinese.
- Even the more cheena people dun like to read Chinese.

So boh bian, I cannot blog every post in Chinese liao. I still prefer the beauty of Chinese language than English...

Finally watched harry potter and yeah it wasn't as exciting as the previous one. What I was hoping to see was some spectacular effects, like the previous one when I still remembered the dragons and the maze. Maybe I should start reading the books, then I'll like it more?

I got this question, if only harry and the white-haired girl can see the pergasuses, then how come the whole group can all ride on the creatures to London afterward?

And why didn't Harry make up with Cho? So sad...

And when the movie ended, none of the audience left! So I thought, maybe there is some exotic ending after all the acknowledgements, so we decided to stay back (more of I want to...). Maybe there is a surprise ending, like x-men! And when more and more people left, and finally when the lights came back on, *chey*. They should at least put a surprise ending to make up for the not-too-exciting show mah.

Author: Don » Comments:


Wednesday, August 1




Author: Don » Comments:


Monday, July 30

What Form Would Your Patronus Take? (With 10 Excellent Results & Pictures)

Your Patronus would be a Phoenix!
Take this quiz!

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Author: Don » Comments:

post 4th ICT

Monday, July 16

Booked out on sat! This ICT gave me a lot of 感触, the after-effects were still lingering after I booked out. And I grew to like Beyond's "海阔天空" more, thanks to xiao bai playing the song on the last night. All of us have grown up, we are no longer the boh chup NSFs we once were. Lots of sai kang and shit then but life was pretty carefree (there's no freedom yet we dun have to worry much at the same time), to be honest. And most of them convo-ed this year, and so we are no longer the even more free undergrads we once were. We have learnt to forgive certain certain people and accept some incompetent people. Surprisingly, everyone's back for this ICT, though some took leave here and there to attend convo and interviews. Thus, great to catch up with everyone (almost) and for some bonding.

I think I have been pretty wilful over the past year. Living the past year without a good goal, a good aim. ICT has been a good time for me to prioritize my goals.

To nbs frds, apologies for being a bit overly quiet on bbq night. Had great fun with you guys and catching up with you all too. Just that I was really tired and feeling complicated. Otherwise, i sure win the bowling one...

Beyond - 海阔天空




Author: Don » Comments:

Pre-ICT post

Sunday, July 8

Reservist 09 July - 14 July!!

I hate packing for reservist. I spent almost half a day digging my stuff out. Worse than packing for holiday. Where's my beret?? L-torch working? How many sets of uniform? Bring poker cards? ?

I hate pre-shopping for reservist. I was buying only some necessities and i saw this and saw that, and bought some snacks here and there. And this was only done at my friendly neighbourhood store! I might have bought a whole shelf of groceries if i was at supermarket...

I hate my haircut. It's a good boy look once again... But the back and sideburns are still kind of long. Let's hope RSM will be kind and be charmed by my *smile* and ahem *seduce*

I hate being in the hot sun for the next few days handling some big heavy weapon... And it's worse if it rains and there's outfield. Of coz, it's a different story if it rains and we'll just sleep in our bunks...

I hate the food. Civilians out there shouldn't really be fooled by the media reports of the delicious food in army. Well perhaps some camps, some days, some occasions, but most of the rest are just yucky.

But still, I look forward to this reservist, especially since most of the platoon should also be there this year. Fun fun! Pity no camera phones though.

Plus, i guess i shall use this in-camp to re-think and re-look my priorities again. Some things, maybe shouldn't have happened at all. Glad my best-est friends will be going in too, can have a good close chat with them. This is what in-camp is for, to catch up, to talk cock, to spend time together cursing and swearing... lol.

Waking up at 5.30am tomorrow... See ya guys when i out-pro on sat!

Author: Don » Comments:


Monday, July 2

Playing near to 2 hours of Photohunt in the arcade after midnight is a real strain to the eyes...
We were so close to breaking the hi-score!

Author: Don » Comments:


Thursday, June 28

this is a random thoughts post. wrong grammar, wrong caps...

Now that i have more free time, i have been going to the gym... less. is this human nature or what.

Bought a new pair of pedro brown leather shoes. Nice nice. Almost spent another 100 bucks to get their membership... control, control.

Reservist in 2 weeks time. Great, can network, time to be a social butterfly. But, can't close anything in that week. No make-up pay somemore. And its time to train for ippt. No camera phones allowed at all now. Wonderful.

i gonna work harder. there's these 2 other guys in the training class today who seemed to be those type aiming for mdrt one, and i happened to sorta know one of them. but then their agency seemed to be more garang type one. stressful but motivating. wat about peaceful and smooth sailing?


red's my fav colour now.

a cockraoch juz sneaked up beside me, and i killed it by smacking it. seriously. my house's breeding roachies and mossies. grrrr.

Author: Don » Comments:

wisdom tooth

Saturday, June 23

Having this pain in my mouth for the past few days... Went to the dentist who kindly slotted me in between some patients... And with a x-ray,

The dentist asked me, "You know what is a wisdom tooth operation?" Coz there's a wisdom tooth grinding its way out, and if it's not removed, it could set a food trap, then the other tooth might decay and i'll have to remove 2 teeth then.

啊... The pain isn't that bad now, so i haven't scheduled a date for the op. Maybe this slight pain would go away, maybe it'll be okay. *ouch* =(

Author: Don » Comments:


Sunday, June 17

Last year, I briefly blogged about 第17届台湾金曲奖. One year has passed... It's the 第18届台湾金曲奖!

Happened to catch this event on TV as I was channel surfing. Not so exciting this year... maybe coz my YZ is not there this year, and there are always some parts of the non-and-less-mainstream which I have totally no clue who they are. The only thing I want to know is, how many awards will hot favourite 苏打绿 garner out of their 7 (?) nominations?

Some pics (taken from sina website):

A*Mei! The focus there, other than her boobs, should be on the diamond necklace and pendant. There's also the diamond earrings, bracelet etc, and she mentioned a figure of 1亿+... *Wow*
They played old videos of some celebrities at the beginning of the actual show, including A*Mei, Stanley Huang, Zhang Zhen Yue and Tao Zi. It's quite funny to see how they looked in the past and how they have transformed themselves to who they are today.

Jolin performed the opening act for the actual show with the song 舞娘. Seeing her dance is always *Waaaaaaa*

Jolin won 2 personal awards, the 票选最受欢迎女歌手奖 and the more prestigious 最佳国语女歌手奖.
Her thank you speech for the latter prize was very cool, coz her first thank you went to her critics and people who predicted she CMI, would not last, and that spurred her on. ANd she said it with such confidence! Woah!
Although I would like A*Mei to win, I have nothing against Jolin for winning this award. Her singing has definitely improved over the years and coupled with her dance moves, she's a sensation on stage.
Btw, i think the costume she wore with the plastic, hmmm. What's the plastic for?? It seems like a cheapskate umbrella cover. Jolin should just dump the plastic cover and flaunt her body.

最佳国语男歌手奖 : 李玖哲
The black horse. Ok yeah his singing is really good...
But what about Gary?? And JJ?? These 2 are more deserving in my opinion.

Here comes the hottest band now: 苏打绿!
Awards include 最佳乐团奖 and 最佳作曲人奖: 吴青峰《小情歌》.
Yippie! I was hoping Best Song would go to 《小情歌》 too tho.
Very touching to see them go on stage, receiving the ward and thanking people who have helped and supported them, like their teacher. I caught them on tv earlier for a pre-award programme hosted by Patty Hou and learnt that they are tertiary students, like us before. A bunch of music-loving enthu people who set up their own band, composed their own songs and performed for people.

They just make me feel that i could have done more in my uni days. While I have made many good friends, there could have been more vibrant memories in my uni days... I just don't have something that I am truly proud of.

~ 苏打绿 《小情歌》

Author: Don » Comments: