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Tuesday, December 19

Sometimes life feels like one big raincloud above your head...

...and you wonder what meaning is there to it anymore.

You study so hard since young...

Whatever for? Certainly not to earn lotsa buckaroos just to pay off those bills, bills, bills!

But come to think of it, you can buy berry yuck-tasting milkshake to gulp down after working out in the gym to grow, grow, grow!

And grow till you become an !!! (oh that's Hercules by the way)

...so that you can find someone as yummy as that plate of spaghetti and meatballs you can share with.

And instead of washing the dishes straight after eating, you, um, ahem ahem...

And shortly after you asleep how easily , as easily as how you fell deeply in love...

only to wake up to find that (s)he's going to leave you (and the plates unwashed).

Was it all but just a dream? You asked yourself... *sigh*

You keep rubbing and rubbing and rubbing your eyes...

...but in reality it's just that you've burnt your ass so happily without you knowing!

And then it's back to the mundane again for a year.. or two.. or three...

But as you grow a lil wiser each day...

...you realise that what you're seeking for at all times is just like the bone you hang over your head from the back of your neck!

Nevertheless, and most importantly, with every bad or sad experience, you must learn to love yourself more and more each day...

before you start loving others first... only then can others love you back in return! Whee!

And psst, guess what? It comes just in time for Christmas too! Yay!

Many many thanks to [info]peaces_icons!

So Kawaii nez!!
Copied from an unknown person's blog... But cute things are meant to be shared! =P

It's Christmas soon... And everyone, almost everyone, seems to be able to clear leave and go somewhere overseas this Christmas. Not me... stocktakes here and there... Still remembered 3 years ago when I spent X'mas in KL with sq, ed, peck n wh. It was so much fun then!

Christmas... =)

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