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Thursday, June 1

I watched X-Men last evening!

Actually I won't say I am a fan of X-Men... never really watched the X-Men cartoons when I was young. But I did watch the movies X-Men I & II and wished I could have some powers like the mutants too. Like Storm... whipping up some lightning and killing the bad guys. Or Iceman, whose powers will be terribly useful in our hot SG. But not that porcupine head guy though, he's kinda scary to have needles popping up everywhere from his head to his toes.

Anyway I thought X-Men III was great as I thoroughly enjoyed watching every second of it. I dunno how hardcore X-Men fans will find it, maybe they think the plot isn't thick enough, maybe they think some scenes should have been emphasized more, but personally I love it. Maybe it's because it's a X-Men movie afterall, and I am especially attracted to the screen whenever Storm displays her powers. Woah!!!

X-Men was adpated from a cartoon which probably has an underlying meaning other than plain entertaining. There are always X-Men living amongst us, fighting for a certain cause in our society. Respect for one another is the key to survival.

PS. if u are going to watch X-Men, dun be in a hurry to leave after the movie ends... Wait until the credits finish rolling and u'll catch something...

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