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Monday, March 21

It was nice to have a gathering with my NTU classmates at hoi's place once again! Thank hoi for providing the place, hoi's maid for preparing the food, WH for the camera, ZH for paying for the pig first, smint n hoi for posting up the fotos, n the rest for coming!

In the midst of all the reports n projects, this gathering has been a good chance for us to take a breather n relax in the cooling winds at hoi's condo while gathering around a fire n beng-ing our food. Haha...

No la smint, its not that i m so craving for attention that i wan to appear in every photo... it's just that i would like to have some memories... in fact i wan lotsa lotsa memories, memories of happy times spent, memories with people whom i enjoyed being with. When i grow old, i want to look back n be reminded of happy times. Don't u? =)

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